Main Service:
Personal Injury Attorney

Local Area: Jackson, Mississippi. USA

Years As a Client: 02

Target Audience: Car injury victims average around 35 – 40, with a ratio of men and women of 1:1. 25% of which are unlikely to be able to continue work after the injury occurs.

Value Proposition: Family run trusted local attorneys firm with some high level wins for clients within the local area.

Local SEO Goals: Generating more leads and calls to the business along with a big uptick in general online visibility in the local community.


Media: Google

Campaign Start:  March 1st 2016

253% Increase in Traffic


March 2016 vs March 2017

37% Increase in Traffic


March 2017 vs March 2018

Analytics ranking over time

The client is currently ranking in the most prominent positions locally for main their terms related to personal injury and car accident themed keywords both in maps and local organic.

Ranking increase over time

This is a good example of ranking increases not necessarily exactly correlating with increased traffic, as you can see in March there was a slight dip in rankings, however the analytics show March was the best month they have had with traffic to the website. Google will often change keyword rankings it believes are better to the end user and drop keywords depending on things like bounce rate often this means you can have lower rankings but better quality traffic.

Actions taken via Google My Business over time

People taking some type of action from visiting the website, requesting directions and calls have greatly increased particularly from Janurary 2018 onward. Snapshot based on 18 months of Google My Business data.

Overall Google visibility increase over time

General visibility for both local organic and maps has increased significantly in the last 18 months based on Google My Business insights data.